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Shadow's GM Application

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Shadow's GM Application Empty Shadow's GM Application

Post  shadow Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:04 pm

1. Give me your character IGN: My IGN will be Shadow

2.What country do you live in: I live in Singapore

3. Have you ever hacked in a server before: No I never hack a server before

4. Do you have a GM Handbook: Yes

5. Are you experienced: Yes I have experience in LostyMS SnipeMS SoraStory DaenMS MatrixStory and many more

6. How active are you: I everyday online and i will on for every 12-13hrs everyday

7. What team will you be at? (Coder, tester, hackerpatrol, etc): Tester

8. Why do you want to be a GM: Because i love to help the noob and love to ban those hacker

9. How old are you?: 21

I hope that I can be choosen


Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2008-12-26

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